Our programS cover the following thematic areas
Thematic Area 1
- The Mind
- Theory of the MInd – How does the mind work
- The Memory Box
- Identity
- The sensory-motor system
- The Intellect
- Evolution of the Mind
Thematic Area 2
- The Body
- Proprioception
- Body Scan
- Mindful Eating
- Mindful Movements
- Yoga Nidra

Thematic Area 3
- Meditation Techniques
- Meditation with mantra
- Meditation with Gong
- Pranayama Mantra
- Tratak Meditation
- Anapana and Vipassana Meditation
- Night Techniques to fall into deep restoring sleep
Thematic Area 4
- Actions
- Mindful Action
- The result of our actions
- The person and action it performs
- Correct action practices
- Conscious Walking
Thematic Area 5
- Thoughts
- The rumination of the mind
- The internal dialogue
- Stressful thoughts
- Aunt Mathilde’ s practice
- Contemplation and the Contemplative Walk
- The Work of Byron Katie
- The “judgmental” mind
Thematic Area 6
- Feeling and Emotion
- Negative or stressful emotions
- The relationship between thought and emotion
- Managing our emotions
- Fear
- Guilt
- Attachment
Thematic Area 7
- Finding Sense in Life
- Consciousness vs. Thought
- The “realizing” awareness
- Common sense and nonsense
- Responsibility, Acceptance and Surrender
- Integration of mind, body and spirit
- Unconditional Love
- Secure Attachment
- Compassion
Thematic Area 8
- Application of mindfulness
- Daily practice
- Weekly monitoring
- Adaptation of these techniques for practice by children and adolescents
- Discarding beliefs and thoughts
- Discerning without judging
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44 Midchester Avenue. 10606 White Plains - New York - Tel. +1 929 400 4347